Monday 17 February 2014

You know you are a fundraiser when…

You head straight for the Fundraising team profile in Third Sector and get excited when it is someone you know.

You NEVER throw away charity direct mail.

You get campaign envy when you see another cause with a great appeal.

When you go into a shop that has collection boxes on the counter, to check to see if your charity is there.

The giving habits of your friends and family correlate to your job moves.

You terrify the school PTA when you take over the school fete with plans to secure corporate sponsorship and maximise income.

You actually use the words “maximise income”

You also laughed with total recognition at this list of buzzwords in fundraising, and have used them all.

No-one is as imaginative, or creative, as you when it comes to ways to say “please,” “thank you,” or “sorry.”

Every time there is a national fundraising event (Comic Relief, Children In Need, etc) you know you are going to have to delete/hide at least one Facebook friend for anti-fundraising, charity begins at home type rants.

When the Times Rich List comes out, at least one friend suggests you write to people on it and ask them for money.

Sometimes, at 3am, normally around February, you wish that someone from the Times Rich List would send your charity a cheque for £10million.

You’ve contributed to an online debate about CRM systems.

You have a favourite one, which you always recommend.

Your friends have learned from bitter experience not to casually mention that they have any sort of aspiration to complete any kind of sponsor-able challenge event whatsoever.

You secretly think your cause is ESPECIALLY challenging to fundraise for.

You get defensive if anyone makes disparaging remarks about “chuggers.” Even if you have never done face to face yourself.

There is never, EVER, “nothing to do,” and you cannot relate at all to the concept of being “bored” at work.

Add yours! #youknowyoureafundraiser

Jemma Saunders